邢远 发表于 2013-1-4 00:38:11


个人技术从来没有停止变化。一些新的产品和服务,如苹果的iPhone和iPad改变游戏规则的。其他人是聪明的的曲折或改进,如后续版本的谷歌的Andr​​oid平台,该平台越来越好。其他大胆的赌博,像微软新推出的Windows 8,希望结合在一个操作系统平板电脑的经验和传统的PC环境。但总是有新的东西,从大公司和小的。因此,在2013年,消费者可能会看到在技术这里有几件事情。许多这些在过去的一年初具规模,但在新的一年的趋势会更强。平板电脑与个人电脑虽然iPad线,包括新的Mini,将继续主导平板电脑市场,基于Android的平板电脑最终获得牵引力。但更大的故事是,平板电脑将继续蚕食笔记本电脑的作用。消费者正在使用平板电脑的任务越来越多,以前的笔记本电脑。传统的计算机不会消失,他们仍然做某些任务,如重内容的创建,比片剂更好。但在消费者看来,最起码,可以不经常更换自己的笔记本电脑和消费全权委托投资基金片,正逐步取代其他设备:专用的电子阅读器。很多分析师曾预计,Windows 8的停止或扭转这种趋势,它可能还没有这样做。但早期迹象,结果令人鼓舞。硬件和软件集成同时,另一个大的趋势正在形成:苹果一个公司的模式,使得整个设备的硬件,操作系统,核心应用程序和一个在线的生态系统已开始采取其他地方。在10月,微软推出了它的第一台电脑,表面平板电脑。该公司将继续跟进,尽快在这个月的第二个,功能更强大的版本。我也不会感到惊讶,如果微软也做出了自己的智能手机今年。谷歌是在苹果的移动方向。现在销售的这三款器件的智能手机和两片的Nexus品牌。这些产品建立合作伙伴公司,但由谷歌设计。现在,谷歌拥有自己的硬件公司,摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility),我希望它更深入地集成模型。摩托罗拉,刚放养前谷歌高管,要建设先进的紧密集成与Android的新的硬件设备。


共和国Wireless提供的Defy XT与19美元的无限计划。
更便宜的智能手机和计划智能手机是在发达国家中随处可见,但大多仍贵200元左右,需要一个为期两年的合同后的载体补贴。每月的服务费用可以很容易地接近或超过100美元,特别是如果你使用了大量的数据,这是非常本质的智能手机的目的。现在已经有一些智能手机,通常年龄较大,能力较差或较受欢迎的机型,适用于$ 99或$ 49或什至免费的合同。但我希望看到更好的智能手机在2013年以较低的价格,尤其是那些占主导地位的Andr​​oid平台,和英俊,但销售从微软的Windows Phone平台。此外,一些公司开始提供很便宜的月费计划。一个例子:共和国无线,它提供了无限的语音,文本和数据为$ 19日一个月一个小的,Android的电话,在摩托罗拉的Defy XT,使用旧软件,已被修改,以使语音通话地方可能超过无线网络连接,而不是一个昂贵的运营商网络。

昂贵的,更好的音乐播放器音响发烧友和录音艺术家从来没有喜欢压缩的音乐文件,现在填补每一个iPod和智能手机。他们抱怨说,失去了原来的记录是最小的空间和下载时间,因为这首歌曲文件进行了优化,因为它们往往从CD,而不是从大师工作室带的丰富。因此,在2013年,将有推出售了一种新的便携式音乐播放器,可以处理高品质的音乐。韩国电子公司,艾利和,推出了阿斯特尔克恩AK100,700美元的高得多的高保真数字音乐播放器,可以播放。具有传奇色彩的摇滚歌手Neil Young的支持了第二次创业,波诺,这是做类似的东西。除了价格,还有另外一个缺点:这些文件可以是10到20倍,大作为标准的数字音乐,少那么多的轨道适合在一个给定的内存量。

健身与健康监控器在2012年,的传感器包装的腕带像耐克+ FuelBand和Jawbone的最多的介绍来衡量多少步人走了一天,他们的睡眠等指标的健康和健身。我预计这种趋势将持续到2013年,在不同的形式和更先进的传感器。一个新产品的基础,是传感器的背面,测量静息心脏率的手表。所有这些设备连接到移动应用程序或基于Web的仪表板跟踪进度,并提供意见。互联网的控制了一切我希望能在2013年看到的另一个趋势是一个扩展的应用程序和设备,让无线控制日常物品,从灯泡到电器,使用低功率网络和智能手机或平板。我们可能会看到更多的智能设备等智能内置的,类似的巢智能温控器,它是Wi-Fi供电。这些仅仅是一些可能的发展趋势,以纪念在2013年的消费高新技术景观。其他的也将是显着的,最引人注目的是继续依赖在云上,或远程服务器,存储内容和协同工作。有一件事是肯定的:有一定的发展,将我们所有人一个惊喜,这里不能预测。

邢远 发表于 2013-1-4 00:39:23

Personal technology never stops changing. Some new products and services are game changers, like Apple’s iPhone and iPad. Others are clever twists or refinements, like each successive version of Google’s Android platform, which gets better and better. Others are bold gambles, like Microsoft’s new Windows 8, which hopes to combine both a tablet experience and a traditional PC environment in one operating system. But there’s always something new, from large companies and small ones.So here are a few things consumers will likely see in technology in 2013. Many of these began to take shape in the past year, but will be stronger trends in the new year.Tablets vs. PCsWhile the iPad line, including the new Mini, continues to dominate the tablet market, Android-based tablets are finally gaining traction. But the bigger story is that tablets will continue to erode the role of laptop PCs.Consumers are using tablets for more and more tasks formerly performed by laptops. Traditional computers aren’t going away—they still do certain tasks, like heavy content creation, better than tablets. But consumers seem, at the very least, to be replacing their laptops less often and spending discretionary funds on tablets, which are gradually replacing another device: the dedicated e-reader. Many analysts had expected Windows 8 to halt or reverse this trend, and it may yet do so. But early indications aren’t encouraging for that outcome.Integrating Hardware and SoftwareMeanwhile, another big trend is emerging: Apple’s model of one company making the entire device—hardware, operating system, core apps and an online ecosystem—is beginning to take hold elsewhere. In October, Microsoft unveiled its first computer, the Surface tablet. The company will follow it up as soon as this month with a second, more powerful version. I wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft also made its own smartphone this year.Google is also moving in Apple’s direction. It now sells three devices—a smartphone and two tablets—under its Nexus brand. These products are built by partner companies, but designed by Google. Now that Google owns its own hardware company, Motorola Mobility, I expect it to get deeper into the integrated model. Motorola, freshly stocked with former Google executives, is reported to be building advanced new hardware devices tightly integrated with Android.

What to Watch: In addition to its Apple TV interface, left, Apple is expected to try to further simplify television viewing.
Rethinking TelevisionSamsung and others already make TVs that can connect to the Internet, and stream Internet video and run tablet-type apps, without any special set-top box. But I find them clumsy, and their “smart TV” functions haven’t taken off with consumers yet. This may be the year they do.The biggest expectation is that Apple, which has been working hard on the problem, will finally unveil its long-rumored TV this year, with the goal of greatly simplifying the TV and smoothly melding Internet and cable content. Many, including me, thought it might appear in 2012, but the company reportedly ran into difficulties in negotiating with media companies for content rights. Meanwhile, Apple’s tiny, $99 Apple TV box, while still a relatively small seller, is gaining popularity, partly because the company has built into its laptops, tablets and phones a feature called AirPlay which can use an Apple TV box to wirelessly stream audio and video to a TV.

Republic Wireless offers the Defy XT with a $19 unlimited plan.
Cheaper Smartphones and PlansSmartphones are everywhere in the developed world, but most are still expensive—around $200 after a carrier subsidy that requires a two-year contract. And the monthly service fees can easily approach or exceed $100, especially if you use a lot of data, which is the very essence of a smartphone’s purpose.There are already some smartphones, usually older, less capable or less popular models, available for $99 or $49 or even free with a contract. But I expect to see better smartphones at lower prices in 2013, especially those running the dominant Android platform, and the handsome, but low-selling Windows Phone platform from Microsoft.In addition, some companies are beginning to offer really cheap monthly plans. One example: Republic Wireless, which offers unlimited voice, text and data for $19 a month on a small, Android phone, the Motorola Defy XT, using older software that has been modified to make voice calls where possible over Wi-Fi instead of a costlier carrier network.

The $700 Astell & Kern AK100 plays much higher fidelity digital music.
Costlier, Better Music PlayersAudiophiles and recording artists have never much liked the compressed music files that now fill every iPod and smartphone. They complain that the richness of the original recording is lost because the song files are optimized for minimum space and download time, and because they are often made from CDs, not from the master studio tapes.So in 2013, there will be a push to sell a new kind of portable music player that can handle high quality music. The Korean electronics company, iRiver, has introduced the Astell & Kern AK100, a $700 player that can play much higher fidelity digital music. The legendary rocker Neil Young is backing a second venture, Pono, which is doing something similar. In addition to the price, there’s another downside: The files can be 10 to 20 times as large as standard digital songs, so many fewer tracks fit in a given amount of memory.

The Basis, part of the crop of new wristband monitors, measures resting heart rate.
Fitness and Health MonitorsIn 2012, sensor-packed wristbands like the Nike+ FuelBand and the Jawbone Up were introduced to measure how many steps people take in a day, how well they sleep, and other indicators of health and fitness. I expect this trend to continue in 2013, in different forms and with more sophisticated sensors. One new product, the Basis, is a watch with sensors on the back that measures resting heart rate. All of these devices tie into mobile apps or Web-based dashboards to track progress and offer advice.Internet-Controlled EverythingAnother trend I expect to see in 2013 is an expansion of apps and devices that let people wirelessly control many everyday objects, from light bulbs to appliances, using low-powered networks and smartphones or tablets. And we’ll likely see more smart devices with such intelligence built in, similar to the Nest intelligent thermostat, which is Wi-Fi powered.These are just a few of the trends likely to mark the consumer tech landscape in 2013. Others will also be prominent, most notably the continued reliance on the cloud, or remote servers, to store content and work collaboratively. One thing is sure: There are certain to be developments that will surprise us all, and can’t be forecast here.

baizhaofeijy 发表于 2013-1-7 09:30:19

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查看完整版本: 2013年:谈话越来越便宜,电视获取更聪明