一名在读学生,想做一款KNX研究用产品(自己做,不要问为什么不去买现成的)。得知加入KNX的会员可以用学校的名义加入Scientific partner。费用250欧 。可以得到资料如下:
[*]A CD-ROM with the KNX Specifications V2.0
[*]a copy of the KNX Handbook for Home and Building Control.
[*]Your institution will be integrated in an international database that can be consulted via the KNX Association web pages (if desired).
[*]You will receive the KNX Journal for free.
[*]Right to participate to the KNX Scientific Conference that KNX Association organises in cooperation with their Scientific members.
[*]Access to a FTP server, from which versions of the documentation and tools can be downloaded;
[*]KNX Specifications (updates)
[*]ETS4 Professional (1 licence)
[*]ETS4 Lite (up to 10 licences)
[*]EITT (1 licence)
[*]All KNX training documentation: KNX Basic, KNX Advanced and KNX Tutor courses
[*]Access to the KNX technical hotline for any question related to ongoing KNX projects.
[*] 不知道有些这些东西后是不是能进行KNX的产品开发了了?会不会给开发软件,以及相应的demo程序?麻烦知道的高人指点,开发流程,开发环境什么的,越详细越好,谢过了。
帮忙顶顶 支持原创 aviro123 发表于 2013-5-16 07:31
那开发文档和开发工具哪儿有呢? 呵呵。其實選擇很大的~ :)学习学习