The bi-annual KNX Scientific Conference was organized at the Fachhochschule Dortmund in Germany from 27th until 28th of October 2016. More than 60 participants from universities, institutes of technology and KNX member companies listened attentively to presentations on new and exciting KNX system innovations as well as on on-going & completed research projects. The topics of this year's Scientific Conference were:
- IoT and IPv6
- Radio Frequency & Energy Harvesting
- HEMS & the electric car
- Solutions and Security
The winner for the "Best Conference Paper" of the Scientific Conference was Mr. Friedrich Praus from the FH Technikum Wien from Austria for his paper called "KNX security devices". The award for the best Conference paper was handed out by Mr. Demarest, CTO of KNX Association. We congratulate Mr. Praus for winning the KNX Scientific Award 2016! All presentations and pictures CAN be downloaded here.