Use of tidal power house 分类:居住建筑 内容:设计方案 建筑设计:margot-krasojevic 图片来源:margot-krasojevic 图片:12张
近日,Margot Krasojevic再次推出了自己的作品,一栋利用潮汐水力发电的豪宅。在设计图中,设计师解释这栋房子将假定位于南非开普敦的兰迪德诺住宅区。外观上,这个看起来像是海胆和贝壳相结合的房子,似乎是来自外星的雕塑作品。它采用了潮汐水力以及太阳能两种形式获取电力。但主要还是有潮汐系统来获取电力,该系统被设计成两个部分,一个是室内的电磁涡轮系统,当海浪推动它时,即可发电。与之并存的,则是一个电力储存系统。
the ‘hydroelectric tidal house’ by margot krasojevic has foundations embedded into the sand or rock coastline, harnessing tidal wave power to generate electricity. the structure is made up of two shells – the outer, cast in concrete, anchors the residence to the beach, while the inner rises with the tide as it flows around the primary framework. the semi-circular aggregate layer contains solar cells that provide an electrical supply to the living area. the cross section is made from an array of hydraulic mechanisms which cultivate power from a renewable source, the tidal wave. the water’s movements are more predictable than solar and wind energy, making it simpler to find an appropriate location for the technology.