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ASTON Winswitch 3.0 中控软件介绍

海哭的声音 发表于 2021-8-5 16:27:48 | 显示全部楼层
WinSwitch 3

Building visualisation under Microsoft Windows for the European Installationsbus EIB.

WinSwitch 3 is a Hard- and Softwarepackage for central visualisation-, control-, documentation- and automatisation feeding. It integrates different aspects of technical assembly ( electricity, heating, ventilation, clima, safety features) under one user interface.

The WinSwitch 3 software is used for the generation of simple service systems on all levels of building management. In addition WinSwitch 3 provides a multiple amount of management functions that are required for the efficient operation of buildings – amongst others energy management. WinSwitch 3 makes possible the realisation of simple and effective visualisation- consumption measurement and energy management application, that can be adapted exactly to your individual requirements.

The current Version 3 of the mature technology is now compatible to Windows Vista. It is delivered with the EIB – Gateway KNX Microserver.

The simple and clear instructions enables even beginners a rapid completion of attractive visualisations projects.

The Elements

Predefined switches and symbols

- Screen change
- Switches (wipp-, and symbolswitch)
- Status lamp
- Background image (BMP, JPG)
- Feeler
- Text (static and switchable)
- Keyboard entry
- Malfunction message with control unit and automatic logging to printer and/or CVS file
- Log with output opportunity to printer and/or CSV file
- Marker
- Dialog input

Large function module

- Logical link
- Light scene
- Sequences 1 bit and 8 bit
- Mathematics
- Multiplexer
- Counter

Comfortable time switches

- Time switches (week, year)
- Time table
- Cyclic transmitter
- System time display
- System time, date dispatching and receiving

Analog instruments measured value display and recording

- Dimmer
- Pre set potentiometer
- Displays (analog, bars, digital)
- Temperature regulator
- Functional characteristics accumulator (transfere of data as txt or daily CSV file)
- Lineplotter (generates a daily CSV file)


- E-Mail-Service (via Mail Server)
- SMS-Service
- COM-Device
- NET-Message (via LAN)
- Telefone voice output


- Sound display
- Net- and Webcam support
- Video overlay
- Explorer (starts external programms)

iPort elements

- Filtersheet

- Addressimport via EIBA OPC t00l
- Addressimport via text file

Interworking standards:
- EIS 1   - 1 Bit
- EIS 2   - 4 Bit
- EIS 3   - 3 Byte
- EIS 4   - 3 Byte
- EIS 5   - 2 Byte
- EIS 6   - 1 Byte
- EIS 8   - 2 Bit
- EIS 9   - 4 Byte
- EIS 10 - 2 Byte
- EIS 11 - 4 Byte

Software package includes:
- WinSwitch 3 Editor Version 3.0
- WinSwitch 3 runtime programme
- WinSwitch 3 clock programme
- WinSwitch 3 client tool

Software version executable via operating system MS Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
Delivery includes:

- Software package WinSwitch 3
- Hardware – Dongle
- EIB – Gateway KNX Microserver

- WinSwitch 3 – S

Single version visualisation for display and operation of any EIB unit from one PC. The licence is a single licence and is limited to the display of 5 pages and the process of 200 data points.

Article number: A 200001
- WinSwitch 3 – M

Single version visualisation for display and operation of any EIB unit from one PC. The licence is a single licence and can display an unlimited number of pages as well as process an unlimited number of data points.

Article number: A200002
- WinSwitch 3 – L

Single version visualisation for display and operation of an EIB unit from one PC.
The licence is a unlimited licence and can display an unlimited number of pages as well as process an unlimited number of data points.

Please observe that the unlimited licence authorises you to visualise an unlimited number of EIB projects. For every project is a Gatewy Type KNX – Microserver (Article number A 300001) needed, but the delivery of WinSwitch 3 – L contains one KNX – Microserver only.

Article number: A200003
- WinSwitch 3 – XL

Multiuser version visualisation for display and operation of an EIB unit from up to 25 PC. The licence is a single licence and can display an unlimited number of pages as well as process an unlimited number of data points.

Article number: A200004

The versions WinSwitch 3 – M and WinSwitch 3 – XL can on request also be delivered with alternative drivers (Falcon RS232, USB or EIBNet/IP).
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