

邢远 发表于 2013-11-6 23:08:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
    简而言之,算法正在接管我们的生活。所谓算法,只是一套软件代码而已,运作方式类似于决策树,即考虑多种变量,然后产生结论或推荐。“机器人程序”(bot)通常是一系列算法的集合。如果不像克里斯多弗•斯坦纳那样退一步看,人们很难意识到算法近几年来的发展多么迅猛、影响多么深远,也无法认识到它对现代文明的影响。斯坦纳的著作《自动化:算法统治世界》(Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World)阐明了这些问题。
    斯坦纳原是《福布斯》(Forbes )撰稿人,三年前他决定阐释交易算法(其最简单的形式是,根据操作者输入的数据决定何时买/卖)对华尔街的巨大影响。那时,极为复杂的交易机器人程序已经变革了金融市场。随后斯坦纳又决定将他的报道拓展到金融领域之外,结果就写成了这样一本无所不包的著作,描绘机器开始统治包括婚恋交友服务、音乐、医药在内的各行各业的情形。

    In the morning you wake up and check your Gmail, which is sorted for you courtesy of a proprietary Google (GOOG) bot. At lunchtime you read sports gossip on Deadspin, which deploys another set of proprietary algorithms to promote the most prolific commenters. After dinner you pick a movie from a menu of choices that a friendly Netflix (NFLX) algorithm queued up for you based on its record of your cinematic taste. Other algorithms help determine which streETS we drive, the music we hear, and which way stocks move.
    In short, algorithms are taking over our lives. An algorithm is simply a piece of software code that operates like a decision tree, considering multiple variables and then spitting out a decision or recommendation. (A bot is typically a collection of algorithms.) Without taking a step back, as Christopher Steiner does in Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World, it's hard to appreciate how fast and far algorithms have come in recent years, and what the consequences are for modern culture.
    Steiner, a former Forbes writer, set out three years ago to explain how trading algorithms (which, in their simplest form, make buy/sell decisions based on various data inputs) had overtaken Wall Street. By that time, wildly complex trading bots had transformed financial markets. Steiner then decided to expand his reporting outside finance. The result is an encompassing tale of how industries as diverse as dating services, music and medicine all came to be ruled by machines.


    有家叫Savage Beast的公司很能说明问题。该公司创立于上世纪90年代,其它的运作方式是付费请数百名音乐人听歌,然后依据400项音乐特质(包括节奏、音调及众多其他要素)对其进行归类。Savage Beast试图向Tower Records及百思买(Best Buy)之类音乐相关产品零售商销售其音乐推荐服务,但销路惨淡。该公司差点就没能活过2000年的网络股泡沫破灭潮,2005年时已经奄奄一息。此后,它转用算法、而不是非真正的音乐人来生成音乐推荐信息,并摇身一变,改名为Pandora。,2011年,这家该公司上市,市值高达30亿美元。
    《自动化:算法统治世界》出版的时机(8月30日上市)既可说幸运,也可说不幸。很多美国人仍在热议骑士资本(Knight Capital)造成的混乱,该。这家公司的交易算法出错,一夜之间就造成了几亿美元的损失。可是,骑士资本事件所提出的问题,该书并未回答。骑士资本的算法问题只是影响了几只股票而已,可要是医疗保健行业最终也部署机器人程序来给我们开药方,那系统会不会还出故障?很少有人深入探讨过算法普及的缺陷,而斯坦纳也放过了这个话题。


    There's Savage Beast, a 1990s startup that paid hundreds of musicians to listen to songs and classify them according to some 400 musical attributes, including rhythm, tonality, and much more. Savage Beast tried without luck to sell its music recommendation service to music retailers like Tower Records and Best Buy (BBY). The company barely survived the 2000 dotcom bust and was on life support by 2005, when it started to produce music recommendations using algorithms instead of live musicians. Along the way, Savage Beast changed its name to Pandora (P). In 2011 it went public with a $3 billion valuation.
    ELoyalty is another company whose story shows the power of algorithms. The customer management consultant deals in the stodgy business of advising call centers. ELoyalty's algorithms sCAN a database of about two million speech patterns to classify callers by personality. As a result, sales and service reps can instantly tell if a customer is more emotional or more thought-driven, and tailor their pitches accordingly. Vodaphone (VOD) signed on to eLoyalty's program, and afterward its operators knew if they were talking to an emotional customer who needed chummy gossip to get interested in upgrades, as opposed to more analytic clients who only wanted to hear about the value proposition. After adopting eLoyalty, Vodaphone's sales upgrades increased by 8,600%.
    Despite his wealth of case material, Steiner turns out to be an uncertain guide to this newfangled world. Because the book lacks a narrow focus on how algos are upending, say, Wall Street or the medical field, it tries to cover too many industries. As a result, some of the material feels stale. A chapter on the automation of musical taste, for instance, includes stories told in newspapers in the 1990s and early 2000s. Similarly, NASA's personality-detecting system, which helped the space program pick teams of astronauts, was developed in the 1970s and 1980s.
    I really wanted to fall in love with this book, for the new world of bots is at once alarming and engrossing. Increasingly, our world is being shaped by how Wall Street, Facebook (FB), Google, and Amazon (AMZN) deploy their algorithms. But while Steiner has written an exhaustive account of the bots powering our lives, the book lacks the characters and narrative to be a page-turner. Instead it feels like a book report that ran long.
    The timing of Automate This (available Aug. 30) is both lucky and unlucky. Half of America is still talking about the fiasco at Knight Capital, where trading algorithms went haywire and caused the firm to lose several hundred million dollars overnight. Yet the Knight Capital story raises questions the book doesn't answer. Knight's algo issues only affected a few stocks. But if the health care industry eventually deploys bots to prescribe our medicines, for example, can we expect similar glitches? There's a downside to this story that's rarely been explored, and Steiner lets it pass.
    Once bots move in, they don't move out. Algorithms have brought efficiency, craftiness, and speed to nearly everything that humans have tasked them with. But as with most breakthrough innovations, they have experienced growing pains. Now that algorithms rule the world, the next story will be how their shortcomings might destroy it.



贵州文华 发表于 2014-5-11 17:22:33 | 显示全部楼层
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