
Haier and Intesis Cooperate to Develop KNX Gateways for Air Conditioning Systems

cyber 发表于 2016-4-29 14:05:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
The Haier Air Conditioning Division Director, Mrs. Wang Li, and the Intesis Software CEO, Mr. Josep Cerón have signed a strategic partnership deal
By means of this deal, Haier will provide KNX connectiVITY in their Air Conditioning systems through one of the leading brands and product ranges in this type of solutions, such as KNX gateways for IntesisBox Air Conditioning devices.
KNX is the Worldwide Standard for Home and Building Control, including lighting and air conditioning control, various security systems, among many others. Today, KNX is an independent standard with more than 400 associated companies.
With this alliance, Haier joins a large number of international manufacturers of Air Conditioning systems that have already entrusted in IntesisBox solutions for the integration of the AC in the main standards for Home and Building Control, such as KNX, Modbus and BACnet among others.
Intesis develops and manufactures solutions for Home and Building Automation to be sold in over 90 countries. IntesisBox is the brand under which markETS the most complete range of gateways for home and building systems integrations. Other brands that Intesis Software has are: IntesisHome, the most complete system in the cloud for climate control via your smartphone, tablet or computer, independent from the Air Conditioning brand to control; and Houseinhand, one of the most advanced and successful apps to control KNX home automation installations.
Haier is an important world’s appliance brand, including Air Conditioning systems, which has a total of 29 manufacturing plants and 16 industrial parks across Europe, North America, Asia, Middle East and Africa, including a R+D centre in Nuremberg (Germany) and Campodoro Refrigerator factory (Italy).

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